Flavored holiday coffee from Café Le Torréfacteur

Create your best holiday memories with our flavored coffee!

C afé L e Torréfacteur offers you one of its alcoholic coffee recipes for the holidays!

PREPARATION time : 5 minutes

Number ofSERVINGS : 1 serving

INGREDIENTS (for your coffee)

INGREDIENTS (for the homemade whipped cream)


STEP 1 ; brew your espresso coffee and froth 1/2 cup of milk.

2ND STEP ; add 4 oz of our homemade Bailey's recipe and mix well.

STEP 3; make homemade whipped cream; in a bowl, add the10% coffee cream, coconut sugar , vanilla extract and pure almond extract. Mix everything with a mixer until it thickens .

STEP 4; In your favorite cup, incorporate your alcoholic coffee mixture and add homemade whipped cream on top of your coffee. Sprinkle with cinnamon to taste.

*Note: Store whipped cream in refrigerator until serving.*

Now it's time to enjoy your coffee! Health.